Mystery Gifts

Mystery Gift (PTD2)
You can vote for the type of Pokémon you wish to be the next Mystery Gift in the blog. Can also   
You can also vote on Pokémon that you want to obtain on There will also be an available chat and the game Pokémon Tower Defense1 and Pokémon Tower Defense2. The picture below will show you how to get mystery gifts.



How To Receive 
On PTD2, the code can only be put in the mystery gift section in the PTD2 of, unlike in PTD1 where you only had to go there for the weekly code. Then enter "Mystery Gift" on the game menu and type or paste the code in. Then click the "Submit" button. Mystery Gift codes can be entered as many times as desired on an account. Special mystery gifts cannot be entered more than once. The Special Codes are codes in which can produce one Pokémon of 500. These Pokémon are the second-most voted Pokémon by the fans, which lose only to the top voted Pokémon who becomes the main mystery gift. When the screen says, "This code was only valid for the first 500 players that used it and is no longer valid," the special code is no longer active. 

 New Sponsor Pokemon

Xerneas and Yveltal can only be obtained by funding or by trade. You have to fund $20 or more. You can fund on


Next code

Normal and Shadow (Thursday) (12-5) Kyurem: 4h3a1gmq          

Giveaway: Shiny Kyurem: 11262013    bdaykyur   icedrago

Active Code

Bouffalant NB variocolor Normal & Shadow Bouffalant: 8rh5gd5c

Special Codes 

  1. Name
Code Picture
Shiny Taillow
atsubame 276Taillow3
Shiny Anorith abshrimp Anorith
Shadow Stunky pepelepw 50px-434Stunky
Shiny & Shadow Numel hotcamel / drkbumps 322
Shiny & Shadow Dwebble rockcrab / drkhermit Dwebble
Shiny & Shadow Emolga flykachu / shdsqrrl Emolga
Shiny & Shadow Makuhita sumoslap / sumopalm 296Makuhita2
Shiny & Shadow Roselia
rednblue / darkrose
Shiny Roselia
Shiny & Shadow Mawile
megawile 303Mawile2
Shiny & Shadow Mudkip ulikemud 258Mudkip2
Shiny Yamask myolmask Yamask NB variocolor
Shiny Pawniard chessguy Pawniard NB variocolor
Shiny Cryogonal snoflake Cryogonal NB variocolor
Shiny & Shadow Electrike
dogybuzz Electrike NB variocolor
Shiny Gothita gothgirl
Shiny & Shadow Tepig

Tepig N2B2 variocolor
Shiny Bagon flysaway Bagon NB variocolor
Shiny & Shadow Combee busybees 415combee
Shiny Slakoth slackers 287slakoth
Shiny & Shadow Seviper serpenty 336seviper
Shiny & Shadow Shieldon ceratops / shldface 410shieldon
Shiny & Shadow Drilbur drilmole 529drilbur
Shiny & Shadow Starly starlin / starbird 396starly
Shiny & Shadow Ferroseed spkyseed 597ferroseed
Shiny & Shadow Mienfoo weaselfo 619mienfoo
Shiny Feebas prtyugly PAfeebasY
Shiny Plusle & Minun
Shiny Solosis cellular
Shiny Torkoal smokynos
Shiny Scraggy headbuty PAscraggy
Shiny Snorunt iceboy PAsnoruntY
Shiny Beldum dumbell PAbeldumY
Shiny Litwick imacndl PAlitwickY
Shiny Luvdisc
luvSnd PAluvdiscY

Expired Codes

250px-636Larvesta Normal & Shadow (Temporarily)  Larvesta: 9S5W5066
Venipede Normal & Shadow (Temporarily) Venipede: 5aq36c56
449Normal & Shadow (Temporarily) Hippopotas: c5g1f4t3
564Normal & Shadow (Temporarily) Tirtouga: c24sz2tw
627Nomal & Shadow (Temporarily) Rufflet: 1e3gm8q3
539Normal & Shadow (Temporarily) Sawk: t25w3hpg
590Normal & Shadow (Temporarily) Foongus: 8t85bw4s

Klink Normal & Shadow (Temporarily) Klink: 3aw746s8
Piplup Normal & Shadow (Temporarily) Piplup: 6ewdx156
ShinySpiritomb442 Shiny & Shadow (Temporarily) Spiritomb: evilcode
Deino Shiny & Shadow (Temporarily) Deino: easycode
Cubchoo Shiny & Shadow (Temporarily) Cubchoof2cr4353
255Torchic2 Shiny & Shadow (Temporarily) Torchic: 4gd3wbc6
605Shiny & Shadow (Temporarily) Elgyem: p6v6773u
TynamoShiny & Shadow (Temporarily) Tynamo: 4rig43k6
610axew Shiny & Shadow (Temporarily) Axew: 2d5L3sdc
335zangooseShiny & Shadow (Temporarily) Zangoose: w2313213
453croagunkShiny & Shadow (Temporarily) Croagunk: qt4aw176
524roggenrolaShiny & Shadow (Temporarily) Roggenrola: z42sgcf4
Sandile imgShiny & Shadow (Temporarily) Sandile: 6f2b2g84
566archenShadow (Temporarily) & Shiny Archen: nu353bb4
75px-251Celebi2Shadow (Temporarily) & Shiny Celebi:q9a13r44
357tropiusShadow (Temporarily) & Shiny Tropius: kf4e1754
532timburrShiny (Temporarily) & Shadow Timburr: d63347c4
418.gif Shiny (Temporarily) & Shadow  Buizel: 4yz52574
479rotomShiny Rotom: ptoc58c4
280Ralts2 Shiny Ralts: fe71b264
PAdarumakaY Shiny Darumaka: m64g14z         
PAabsolY Shiny Absol755A1234
PAsphealYShiny Spheal: 8355S2B4
304Aron3Shiny Aron: X29633B4
PAduskullY Shiny Duskull: K8983T34
Shiny Gible Shiny GibleGivMeGib
PAshelmetYShiny Shelmet: 6y245304
PAkarrablastYShiny Karrablast: 55465464
PAcranidosYShiny Cranidos: Y303N814
451SSkorupiShiny Skorupi: 36B56314
328Trapinch3 Shiny Trapinch 7D372G14
252Treecko3Shiny Treecko BS3032H4
SOshawottShiny Oshawott: 3D2C2YZ4
SChimcharShiny Chimchar: 52310WQ3
SJirachiShiny Jirachi: 460R3T34
SSwabluShiny Swablu: 84871514
SShinxShiny Shinx: 5543v454
BGolett Golett: 9B2G9034
BVanillite Vanillite: 9L744S54
BRiolu Riolu: 934P2CD4
BZorua Zorua: 26442TT6


  1. i like how u added mystery gift page

  2. none of them work

  3. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. active code no work

  5. Help! someone please tell me a code that work NOW!!!

  6. A code for ptd2 for mega reyquaza is samsbd15

  7. does not work

  8. As someone got a new code for shine charmander and can someone tell me how to beat route 17 in ptd

  9. Has someone got shiny chamander or charizard plz give to me if u do plzzzzzzzzzzz ����������

  10. lol these codes dont work

  11. have u got snorlax? or other shiny starts if u dont want?

  12. does anyone have a shiny male ralts?

  13. Thanks for information How To Receive this game. Now I have a shiny male ralts. :)Good luck everyone.

  14. Yo yo, can somebody gimme some free pokemon

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. why you not work might

  17. is there any new codes

  18. what codes work

  19. help Any codes i enter dont work and i cant do the weekly codes, or even trade on PTD1. PLEASE HELP ME

  20. these are not valid not even one is valid

  21. Can you bring back the shiny or shadow gible and mega rayquaza codes Please
